SecureVote Blog


Community is king

The crypto world has been on a wild ride over the last 12 months. Token sales or ICO’s have seen billions of dollars raised from investors all over the world, with many promising projects experiencing almost exponential growth. We’ve seen thousands of startups promising us their vision for a new decentralised world, endeavoring to revolutionise entire industries with the power of blockchain and solve problems we didn’t even know existed. Read more >

Blockchain to revolutionise e-voting

A deal with Silicon Valley start-up Swarm Fund is a big win for an Australian firm working to revolutionise the democratic process using blockchain. Yet, despite the technology’s promise, it could be years before it’s adopted by an electronic voting industry that has struggled to build and maintain public trust. Billed as a “scalable, reliable, and customisable decentralised governance solution”, Sydney-based SecureVote embraced blockchain to develop an online participatory democracy in which political party members could be polled – and vote on party positions – in real time from their smartphones. Read more >

Modifying democracy with the blockchain

Lofty goals of Australian start-up tied to political belief that ‘the system is broken’… An Australian start-up is looking to change democracy for the better using blockchain technology. The company, SecureVote, has developed a system which it says allows people to vote securely, anonymously and instantly on issues as they arise, a process which CEO Nathan Spataro said can ‘increase the frequency of democracy’. Politics and philosophy are at the heart of the company’s technology. Read more >

Australian start-up testing new online voting system

An Australian start-up that is currently testing what it says is the biggest dry run of an electronic voting system is confident that it can gradually make headway into getting its system taken up in the country. XO.1 is in the process of running a 24-hour stress test of its SecureVote system using the bitcoin blockchain network. The test began at 2am AEST this morning. The test will process 1. Read more >

XO.1 adapts Blockchain for secure super-fast vote counts

An Australian start-up says its technology could count votes in an Australian election in just 4 minutes. That’s faster than we’d probably take to fill out a ballot paper. It’s the claim of Australian internet voting start-up XO.1 which says it has completed a 1.5 billion vote” stress test” of using the Bitcoin blockchain to aid its voting platform called SecureVote. It may be unfashionable these days to suggest that Australia adopts computerised voting, particularly after last year’s debacle with the census. Read more >